    • 02 Sep 2023
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    Article summary

    Manage and review all the customer orders placed on the account from C3. For more granular report of the placed order, review Audit Logs

    • Click on Orders menu item from the left menu bar. This page shows you order details such as

      • Order Id
      • Ordered By
      • Ordered on (Date & Time)
      • Status: order of status like success/in progress/ failed/Approval Required
        • Approval Required : this requires an approval from partner before getting provisioned in partner center
      • Site Name (If applicable)
      • Department Name (If applicable)
      • Actions: See details of the order’s components


    • View Details will show you further details of the order including the below:

      • Product Name
      • Error Message (If applicable)
      • New Commerce Experience Tag (If applicable)
      • Validity
      • Validity Type
      • Billing Cycle
      • Category
      • Quantity
      • Unit Price
      • Ordered (Date & Time)
      • Comment: Will allow you to add any comment against this order to send it to your partner


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