    • 09 Apr 2024
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    Article summary

    Software Subscription Purchase Experience

    We have enabled the purchase of software subscriptions and included them in the shop screen, cart screen, order screen, and products screen.

    Feature Highlights:

    • Software Subscription Availability: Users can now purchase software subscriptions from shop screens and manage them across various screens, including the shop, cart, order, and products screens.

    • Cart Screen Enhancement: The selection of custom end dates for software subscriptions has been disabled on the cart screen to streamline the purchase process.

    • Auto-Renew Management: Users can modify renewal settings for software subscriptions via the product management screen, including the option to enable or disable auto-renewal.

    Introduction of PO Number Option

    This enhancement empowers end-users by providing them with the flexibility to add or skip a PO Number for purchase, status changes, and quantity adjustments.

    Key Enhancements:

    • Enabling the Feature: To utilize this feature, it must first be enabled using RBAC. Please contact support team to activate it.

    • Add PO Number for Purchase Flow: When enabled, customers are prompted to add a PO Number for each product while adding items to the cart from the Shop screen. Customers can also edit or delete the added PO Number directly from the Cart screen. Additionally, there is an option to skip adding a PO Number and proceed with the purchase.

    • PO Number for Quantity and Status Changes: Customers can now include a PO Number when making quantity adjustments or changing the status of a product (e.g., increase/decrease quantity, suspend, reactivate, cancel).

    • PO Number in Invoice Line-Items: The PO Number associated with a transaction will be displayed in the respective invoice line-items after invoice generation, providing clarity and transparency in billing processes.

    Enhancement to Invoice Line-Item API

    The invoice line-item API has been updated to include the category for every invoice line item. This enhancement now displays categories for all invoice line items, including those related to Reserved Instance, Software Subscription, and Perpetual Offers, similar to categories such as OnlineServicesNCE and Azure Plan. Additionally, the PO Number will also be shown for each invoice line item.

    Introducing Filters in Plan Offers

    Introducing new filters in Plan Offers view to enhance your browsing experience.

    Show offers with purchased subscription:

    • Visual Highlighting: When the filter is activated, it will highlight offers that have been previously purchased by a customer.

    • Compatibility: The filter is compatible with Quantity, Usage, and Contract-based offer screens.

    • Consideration of Subscriptions: Subscriptions with active and in-provision statuses are considered as purchased offers within the new filter.

    Show offers which are not available for customer:

    • This filter will display offers that are not available for customer purchase. Any offer with the "Available to customer" option disabled will be included in this filter list.

    Show disabled offers:

    • This filter will display offers that have been disabled within the Plan, providing clarity in offer management.

    Product Name Search in Plan:

    • Previously, users were limited to searching for products by their friendly name or product ID. With the latest implementation, users will gain the ability to search based on the product's SKU name as well, enhancing the search functionality and providing greater flexibility in plan management.

    Enhancement in Coupon Assignments

    We are introducing an enhancement to the Coupon Assignments Screen, focusing on enhancing the tracking of coupon availability.

    Key Enhancement:

    • A new column titled Applicable Till has been integrated into the Coupon Assignments Screen. This addition offers essential insights into the duration for which the coupon will remain available for the assigned customer.

    This update aims to improve usability and facilitate better management of coupon availability within the system.

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