    • 16 Jul 2023
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    Article summary

    Advance billing for ConnectWise

    C3 now supports two different ways to push subscription's details to ConnectWise.

    Single line billing: C3 calculates prorations and one billing detail is pushed into ConnectWise for each subscription. In this approach,

    quantity will be set to the final quantity at the end of the billing period and the unit price will be set to (prorated amount/quantity)

    Dual line billing: C3 calculates prorations and two billing details are pushed into ConnectWise for each subscription. In this approach,

    • The first addition will be the final sale price and quantity at the end of the billing period.
    • The second addition will be the -ve or +ve amount to manage the proration (With quantity set as 1).

    License Change Report for Customers

    The license change report is now also available for customer users. They can see their license changes in the reports section.

    Update Transaction Limit

    We've updated NCE's transaction limit logic to handle different terms and billing cycles.

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