Azure Estimates
    • 04 Sep 2023
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    Azure Estimates

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    Article summary

    Using Azure Estimates you can analyze your customers Azure consumption at the Resource Group/ Services/Azure Tags level updating on daily basis for a subscription along with the associated costs.


    • Click on Microsoft menu item from the left menu bar and Select Azure Estimate

      • Use the multiple Selection/Filters available

        • Customers
        • Tenants
        • Tags
        • Group
        • Subscription
        • Month
      • By default the page will display you the Azure consumption with a Resource Group view. However, you can change to Service View using the Details By Service button.

      • Additionally, the data visible, can be further expanded to the bottom most line item, based on the view you are in.

      • Use the Azure Estimate Report button to export the data either With/Without Tags. Exported report contains following attributes

        • Customer Name
        • Customer Id
        • Subscription ID
        • SubscriptionName
        • Resource Group
        • Service Name
        • Resource Name
        • Resource Category
        • Resource Sub Category
        • Resource Type
        • Resource URI
        • Region
        • Consumed Quantity
        • Unit
        • Cost
        • CurrencyCode
        • Consumed Date
        • Partner Id
        • Entitlement Id
        • Entitlement Name
        • Tags
        • Additional Info
        • Consumed Service
        • Meter Name
        • Meter Region

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