    • 16 Jul 2023
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    Article summary


    Coterminosity allows to align subscription end date with the corresponding existing subscription's term end date or align with the calendar month. With this feature, users will have the flexibility to choose their subscription renewal term end date.

    This feature can now be accessed from the C3 Portal in two ways: by aligning the end date with the corresponding existing subscription term end date, or by aligning it with the calendar month.

    If a new customer is purchasing a new NCE subscription from the cart section, they will see "default" and "align end date with calendar month"; however, an existing customer will be able to see three options in the select custom end type: default, align end date with calendar month, and end date from existing subscription.


    ConnectWise addition with end date and proration logic

    Earlier, the C3 system was leaving a blank end date on the addition to calculate future proration. But now we have introduced one more addition type called "Subscription history with proration". In this case, the C3 System sets the Commitment Start date and commitment end date as the start and end date of addition. Then, after we create custom descriptions for all additions and calculate the proration at our end in C3.

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