    • 16 Jul 2023
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    Article summary

    ConnectWise Enhancement - PSA Entity Mapping (Single Mapping Uploade)

    To reduce loading time in the product mapping, we have introduced an intermediate data storage between PSA and C3. This change will not have any impact on the flow and will enhance the performance of product mapping.

    Currency Conversion Enhancement in Plan

    We have introduced a new field “Display Currency” on Add a Plan. While creating a plan, partners can select either Plan Currency or Customer currency as Display currency and customers will see product prices in the selected currency.

    Enhancement to C3-Xero Integration

    We can now configure Invoice generation date for Xero posting using “XeroInvoiceGenerationDatePreference” configuration. It has several preferences: C3 Invoice Generation Date, Custom Date, Date of posting invoices, Billing Period Start Date, and Billing Period End Date. Based on the selected preference, C3 will set the invoice generation date for Xero.

    Changes in Invoice PDF

    Implemented a new configuration, and if enabled, payment information will also be displayed in downloaded invoices.

    Export User Licenses Assignment

    A new “Export User License” is available on Microsoft User's screen for Partners and Customers. This button will enable C3 users to send user license assignment reports to any email address or customer admin.

    Change in Round-off logic in Invoices

    Earlier, subscription prices were displayed as rounded values on the UI, but the actual total amount was calculated based on the actual prices (without rounding). This approach led to confusion, as the total calculated from UI prices and the actual total amount did not match exactly. To eliminate this discrepancy, the C3 system will now show two-decimal round-off prices on the UI and will calculate actual total amounts using round-off prices.

    Triennial Subscription Support

    Microsoft has introduced new billing cycles triennial and biannual. C3 system now supports both billing cycles.

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