    • 16 Jul 2023
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    Article summary

    New Integrations Available

    ConnectWise Manage

    C3-ConnectWise Manage is a unique integration designed to reform how subscriptions and customer invoices are manually managed within the C3 platform. Information related to subscription (new or existing) are locally maintained in C3 and ConnectWise uses the data to generate customer invoices for the target customer Agreement. With ConnectWise, subscriptions purchased in C3 can be billed automatically, with a detailed invoice that is generated with the changes made in the subscriptions.


    C3-Autotask integration allows subscriptions in C3 to be invoiced via Datto Autotask. C3-Autotask integration allows partners to migrate subscription history from C3 to Autotask. This integration requires little to no manual intervention. Information related to subscriptions (new or existing) are locally maintained in C3. This information is pushed to the correct customer Contract in Autotask. Autotask then use this information to generate customer billing items that are ready to post to target customer invoice.

    Feature Updates

    Tax rule for Site/Department

    Now tax rules can be set for Sites and Departments. The customer configuration screen will have a new option to set the operational entity's configurations. Partners can assign a tax rule by selecting an operational entity. If an entity does not have a specified tax rule, then the C3 system will apply a tax rule based on the entity’s address.

    Auto Release

    Note: Partners with auto-release feature will be able see these updates.

    Option to enable Auto Release feature for individual products: During impersonation, partners will see a new checkbox on the cart and manage product screens. If the product does not need to be automatically released, the partner can uncheck this check box.

    Cool Off Period: Partners can set a cool-off period in General Settings. The auto-release will not consider newly purchased/updated products up to the cool-off period.

    Cart Notifications

    A reminder notification can be set for the forgotten products in the cart. Please follow the steps below to enable this feature:

    • Settings-> Email Notification: add a notification event for “Cart Availability Status”
    • Settings-> General: set number of days in “Days to Send Cart Status Notification”

    Now, if a customer forgets an item in the shopping cart, they will receive a reminder notification after the number of days saved in the general settings.

    New notifications to get quick updates

    • New comment received: Receive notifications whenever a user adds a new comment to an invoice, product, or shopping cart item.
    • New product purchase approval request: Whenever a customer purchase subscription beyond their seat/transaction limit and the order goes for the partner's approval, this event will trigger an email notification.
    • Product quantity increase approval request: Whenever a customer increases a subscription quantity beyond their seat/transaction limit and the order goes for the partner's approval, this event will trigger an email notification.

    Manage Bundle

    Partners will be able to delete a bundle. Deleted bundles will be listed with the “Deleted” tag and will not be available to add to a Plan.

    Xero Error Log

    For the partners who has XERO integration, we are now providing downloadable error log after uploading invoices.

    User Management

    Now first name and last name of a user can be entered while adding/editing user details.

    Security Update

    ADAL to MSAL migration

    The CSP Control Center upgraded from Azure Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) to the new Microsoft Identity Platform Endpoint Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for a more secure and better login experience.

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